Hair Care Tips
•Co-wash the hair when you receive it
> Let your hair dry after washing. Excessive heat can make your extensions; dry dull and lifeless
•Wash your bundles in a downwards motion
> Seal your wefts with weft sealer before installing to avoid shedding
• Wrap your hair in a silk or satin before bed
•Detangle with a wide tooth comb or brush from top to bottom
•Bleaching and coloring should only be done by a licensed hair stylist or professional colorist. Be aware that bleaching the hair lifts the cuticles we recommend that you use 30-40 developer + BW2
bleach when bleaching the knots.
•Let it sit for only 20 minutes, over bleaching the knots and scratching will create bald patches and shedding.
•DO NOT OVER PLUCK! this will result in shedding and won't guarantee longevity.